
10 women aged 23-36 years were studied to determine whether the medical cost control of hyperprolactinemia could be maintained after introducing oral contraceptive (OC) treatment. 5 of the patients had radiological evidence of pituitary tumors. All had taken bromocriptine for 11-58 months before starting estrogen treatment. Doses (5-25 mg daily) were adjusted individually until prolactin concentrations were no longer raised. Minilyn was started on the 5th day of menstruation. When taking bromocriptine alone the serum prolactin concentration was below the limits of assay sensitivity in 1 patient but normal in 7 others. There was no overall change in prolactin concentrations during Minilyn. 3 patients complained of nausea or breast enlargements. Estrogen related side effects were noted in 3 patients but there were no overall changes in serum prolactin concentrations. Medical control of hyperprolactinemia was well maintained. In conclusion estrogen-containing OCs may be used in patients with hyperprolactinemia and pituitary tumors provided that serum prolactin concentrations are 1st restored to normal with bromocriptine.

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