
Black-backed jackals (Canis mesomelas) are small meso-predators that occur in the wild and around cities and towns in southern Africa and have been associated with the spread of rabies in South Africa. Oral bait rabies vaccine has been used in Europe and the USA for the control of rabies in reservoir species. The effectiveness of an oral vaccination strategy depends not only on the efficacy of the vaccine but on the uptake of the bait in the target species. This study evaluated factors associated with the uptake of oral bait by free ranging jackal and other wildlife species in a multi-site field study in Gauteng Province, South Africa. Three different baits were offered: commercial fishmeal polymer, pieces of red meat and chicken heads. Bait uptake was observed using camera traps and patterns of uptake assessed by multiple correspondence analysis and Cox proportional hazards models. In general, all the baits were well accepted with an uptake of 91%. Median consumption time of bait for jackal was 18 h (IQR: 8−21 hours; range 7−66 hours) and for all other species it was 21 h (IQR: 4–44, range 1–283). In species other than jackals there was a faster uptake in the winter months when less food was available, and the vegetation was sparse, whereas jackal showed no seasonal preference. Jackal consumed 20% of baits placed and took all three bait types but showed a clear preference for chicken heads if available (Hazard ratio (HR) = 3.41; 95%CI: 1.16–9.99; p = 0.025). Species other than carnivores preferred fishmeal polymer or red meat. Jackals showed no preference for time of day whereas herbivores and other species clearly preferred day; other carnivores preferred either day or night but not both, depending upon species. This study showed that chicken heads may be the preferred bait type for oral vaccination of black-backed jackal in this area, and that consideration should be given to placing bait during summer and at dusk, in order to minimize uptake by non-target species.

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