
Projections to the parabrachial nucleus (PBN) from the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) carry afferent signals from both the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract. Although physiological studies suggest the convergence of oral and gastrointestinal sensory signals in the parabrachial nucleus, anatomical studies have emphasized the segregation of these pathways. To more precisely determine the anatomical relationship between gastric distension and oral afferent representation in PBN, small deposits of two anterograde tracers were made into the NST under physiological guidance in the same rat. Gastric terminations were dense and separate from taste projections in the rostral portion of the external lateral and dorsal lateral subnuclei. Gustatory projections were densest and separate from gastric terminations in the ventral lateral and central medial subnuclei of the caudal waist region, but were intermingled with gastric projections in these subnuclei and the external subnuclei at slightly more rostral levels. Patterns of segregation and overlap often appeared as ‘patches’ within or across subnuclear boundaries. In a second set of experiments, physiological evidence for overlap in PBN was evaluated from single unit extracellular responses evoked by gastric distension and orosensory (taste and orotactile) stimulation. Neurophysiological recordings verified that a small proportion of single cells within the waist and external subnuclei could be activated by both gastric and orotactile stimulation. The anatomical experiments further revealed intranuclear projections from the caudal NST injections that extended rostrally to sites at which responses to oral stimulation had been recorded. Although existing physiological data suggest such interactions are more limited than those in PBN, these anatomical data suggest that gastric/oral interactions may also exist in the NST.

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