
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and to compare oral problems among musicians and nonmusicians. Materials and Methods: This cross-comparative sectional study was designed to evaluate the distribution of oral problems among musicians and nonmusicians in Ile Ife. Musicians were recruited from the Department of Music, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, whereas the nonmusicians were volunteers within the University community. Demographic information and history of oral symptoms was collected. Oral examinations were carried out for all participants and findings were recorded in a passworded computer. Results were analyzed with STATA 14 statistical software. Qualitative variables such as numbers of subjects with oral problems were described using percentages and proportion. Continuous variables such as age, blood pressure, and pulse rate of participants were described using mean, median, and mode. Comparison of mean and proportion among various groups were carried out using Student t test and Fischer’s exalt test as appropriate. Results: A total of 211 musicians (144, 68.4% men and 67, 31.7% and women) and 100 nonmusicians (74, 74% men and 26, 26% women) participated in the study. The mean age (standard deviation) of all participants was 54.8(12.5). The majority (72.5%) were in their third decade of life. Wind instrument was the most preferred instrument. Oral lesion was seen in 167 (79.2%) musicians and 10 (10%) nonmusicians. The most frequent oral lesion was gingival swelling (87, 41.2%). Others lesions observed were xerostomia (83, 39.3%), malocclusion (44, 20.9%), Halitosis (14, 6.64%), and temporomandibular joint pain (42, 19.9%). Halitosis was significantly more prevalent in younger age group, P = 0.13. Mean pulse rate, systolic, and diastolic blood pressures were significantly higher among musicians with oral lesion, P = 0.0001, 0.0001, and 0.0015, respectively. Conclusion: Oral lesions are significantly higher among musicians, especially musicians who play wind instruments. Oral lesions are also commoner among instrumentalists who sing. Gingival swelling and xerostomia are the common oral lesions seen. Musicians with oral lesions have greater tendency for developing high blood pressure and pulse rate.

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