
Helicobacter species can colonize digestive tract of animals and humans and have been associated with gastrointestinal diseases; however, this genus has not been studied in crocodiles. Our objective was to detect by PCR Helicobacter genus and Helicobacter pylori in oral and cloacal swabs from Orinoco crocodiles of two wild (Cojedes River System and Capanaparo River) and two captive breeding centers (CBCs; Masaguaral Ranch and UNELLEZ) populations. Bacterial DNA was found in 100% of oral samples (10 wild and 10 captives), and in the 95% of cloacal samples (10 wild and 9 captives). In wild populations, Helicobacter spp. was not detected, whereas in CBCs, Helicobacter was detected in 10% of the oral samples, and 66.7% of cloacal samples. H. pylori was detected in two Orinoco crocodiles. Two cloacal non-pylori Helicobacter amplicons were sequenced, showing low similarity (≤97%) to Helicobacter sequences reported. This is the first report of Helicobacter species, including H. pylori in Crocodylus intermedius from CBCs.

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