
Skin colour affects the lives of young people culturally, socially, emotionally and medically. This project was conceived by a young black film‐maker from Handsworth to explore how young people feel about their particular skin pigmentation. Together with the TV company Resource Base and the Dermatology Department at Birmingham Children's Hospital he applied successfully to the Wellcome Trust for a Pulse award which provides funding for arts projects which engage young people with biomedical science. The aims were to engage young people from the Black community in the West Midlands in raising awareness of the determinants of skin colour, and to develop scientific understanding and also film‐making and marketing skills of those participating. The film crew and professionals met with young people from ethnic minorities in homes, community centres, schools and on the streets. About 30 took part in developing the music video, another 40 in workshops leading to the drama production, 20 in filmed discussions of their perceptions of skin colour, and six in filming and post‐production work. Material was checked for scientific accuracy by the dermatology team. The resulting DVD features a short drama about skin‐lightening treatment, and a rap, both written, performed and filmed by the group. Other features include a discussion about skin colour, and question‐and‐answer sessions with members of the dermatology team. The DVD, which was launched at The Birmingham Artsfest on 9th September 2006, will be marketed to schools throughout the U.K. This work was funded by the Wellcome Trust.

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