
Leveraging advancements in cavity optomechanics, we explore Optomechanically Induced Transparency/Absorption (OMIT/OMIA) in the microwave domain at ambient temperature. Contrary to previous studies employing cryogenic temperatures, this work exploits a 3D microwave cavity architecture to observe these effects at ambient temperature, broadening the scope of possible applications. The work successfully enhances the optomechanical coupling strength, enabling observable and robust OMIT/OMIA effects, and demonstrating up to 25 dB in signal amplification and 20 dB in attenuation. Operating in the unresolved sideband regime enables tunability across a wider frequency range, enhancing the system’s applicability in signal processing and sensing. The findings herein highlight the potential of optomechanical systems, presenting a simplified, cost-effective, and more feasible approach for applications at ambient temperature.

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