
We have now considered all the necessary issues in respect of the first two “A”s in our “Triple A” approach to the management of stress: AWARENESS and ANALYSIS. To achieve this, we have examined the stress process, explained its origins, given definitions of stress, and provided a model of stress to guide the process of analysis. In order to complete the process of analysis, a means of identification and measurement of stress at work has been described. This is the “stress audit”. The objective of this type of psychological risk assessment is to enable the organization to optimize the performance and health of the workforce. This is achieved by eliminating or minimizing sources of stress that are damaging in their consequences. Thereby, we are acknowledging the maxim “healthy work force – healthy organization” (Davies and Teasdale, 1994), and promoting the World Health Organization (WHO) statement that “a healthy working environment is one in which there is not only an absence of harmful conditions but an abundance of Health Promoting ones” (Leka et al., 2007). In this instance, we use the word “health” in its widest sense, to mean not merely the absence of physical and psychological diseases, but to describe feelings of well-being, happiness and satisfaction. Indeed, it is about obtaining a “good quality of life”. Research findings highlight the nature of stress in the workplace in terms of potential “hot spot” issues (see Chapter 4). Thus, the steps described so far are necessary to guide and inform the ACTION phase of the stress management process. This is the final “A” in our Triple A approach to stress management. “Action” is the subject of our final chapter.KeywordsSickness AbsenceStress ManagementRole AmbiguityEmployee Assistance ProgramStress Management ProgramThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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