
Beijing is facing the considerable challenge of water shortage, as it is just able to meet current water demand in a year with average precipitation and a shortfall between water supply and demand is estimated to be around 1.8 billion[109] cubic meters (BCM) by 2010. Aiming to find the solution to such a severe challenge, this paper investigates Beijing's current and future water resources availability and water-use configurations, as well as past and current effort on both areas of water supply and demand. The analysis shows a continuously growing demand for water and an aggravating deficit of traditionally available water resources. The paper concludes that it is necessary to establish well-structured water-use data and employ more advanced forecasting methods if sound future decisions regarding water balance are expected to be made. In order to realize Beijing Municipality's full urban water conservation potential, it is suggested that a comprehensive and integrated long-term conservation program be implemented, which is technically feasible and economically justified, to conserve water consistently for many years.

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