
Hardware virtualization allows multiple security-critical and ordinary (insecure) processes to co-execute on a processor. These processes temporally share hardware resources and endure numerous security threats on the microarchitecture state. State-of-the-art secure processor architectures, such as MI6 and IRONHIDE enable capabilities to execute security-critical processes in hardware isolated enclaves utilizing the strong isolation security primitive. The MI6 processor purges small state resources on each enclave entry/exit and statically partitions the last-level cache and DRAM regions to ensure strong isolation. IRONHIDE takes a spatial approach and creates two isolated clusters of cores in a multicore processor to ensure strong isolation for processes executing in the enclave cluster. Both architectures observe performance degradation due to static partitioning of shared hardware resources. OPTIMUS proposes a security-centric dynamic hardware resource partitioning scheme that operates entirely at runtime and ensures strong isolation. It enables deterministic resource allocations at the application level granularity, and limits the number of hardware reconfigurations to ensure bounded information leakage via the timing and termination channels. The dynamic hardware resource partitioning capability of OPTIMUS is shown to co-optimize performance and security for the MI6 and IRONHIDE architectures.

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