
This paper offers a method for weight optimization of multilayer fiber composite plates under the action of lateral loadings. The objective is to design a fiber composite plate of minimum thickness which can sustain multiple static loadings applied normal to its surface without exhibiting failure based on Tsai-Hill criterion in any of its layers. In this investigation, fiber orientation angles are treated as discrete variables, which can vary only by pre-assigned increments, while thicknesses of layers are treated as continuous variables. The optimization procedure is based on a two stage strategy; in the first of which only the fiber orientation angles for the layers are treated as variables, and in the second, only the layer thicknesses. A powerful criterion based on a load factor has been defined to find the best angle for a new layer in the first stage, and the method of center points has been used for thickness optimization in the second stage. After any angle and thickness optimization has been done, a new layer is added to the thickness and the procedure is repeated for other new layers. The end of the two stage procedure is signaled whenever the thickness of the new layer in the optimization process approaches zero; meaning that no new layers would improve the set of layers already found. In this way at the end of the optimization procedure the plate thickness would be made of a minimum number of layers whose fibers are optimally oriented, and whose thicknesses are minimal. A poor choice of layers in the stack produce near zero thickness for the respective layer, and are thus deleted from the set. A repeat process is performed after each cycle, to modify layer angles in order to compensate for errors due to approximations involved. The priorities exercised in the choice of new layers for inclusion in the set and exclusion of all the un-necessary ones, allow an optimal state of stacking sequence to be achieved. Several examples are given to demonstrate the operation of the algorithm.

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