
Gas and Vapor Core Reactors (G/VCR) are externally reflected and moderated nuclear energy systems fueled by stable uranium compound in gaseous or vapor phase. In G/VCR systems the functions of fuel and coolant are combined and the reactor outlet temperature is not constrained by solid fuel-cladding temperature limitations. G/VCRs can potentially provide the highest reactor and cycle temperature among all existing or proposed fission reactor designs. Furthermore, G/VCR systems feature a low inventory and fully integrated fuel cycle with exceptional sustainability and safety characteristics. With respect to fuel utilization, there is practically no fuel burn-up limit for gas core reactors due to continuous recycling of the fuel. Owing to flexibility in nuclear design characteristics of cavity reactors, a wide range of conversion ratio from almost solely a burner to a breeder is achievable. The continuous recycling of fuel in G/VCR systems allows for continuous burning and transmutation of actinides without removing and reprocessing of the fuel. The only waste product at the backend of the gas core reactors' fuel cycle is fission fragments that are continuously separated from the fuel. As a result the G/VCR systems do not require spent fuel storage or reprocessing. G/VCR systems also feature outstanding proliferation resistance characteristics and minimum vulnerability to external threats. Even for comparable spectral characteristic, gas core reactors produce fissile plutonium two orders of magnitude less than Light Water Reactors (LWRs). In addition, the continuous transmutation and burning of actinides further reduces the quality of the fissile plutonium inventory. The low fuel inventory (about two orders of magnitude lower than LWRs for the same power generation level) combined with continuous burning of actinides, significantly reduces the need for emergency planning and the vulnerability to external threats. Low fuel inventory, low fuel heat content, and online separation of fission fragments are among the key constituent safety features of G/VCR systems.

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