
Excising the upper leaves strata of maize crops cultivated at high stand densities could possibly optimize canopy architecture to achieve enhanced canopy apparent photosynthesis, a more favorable distribution of 13C-photosynthates to grain, and ultimately higher grain yields. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a leaf removal experiment in 2012 and 2013 growing seasons in Shandong, a province in the North China Plain. Jinhai5, a corn cultivar planted widely across China, was grown at a density of 105,000plantsha−1 until 3 days after silking (DAS), when plants were subjected to the removal of the uppermost and next leaves (S2), the four uppermost leaves (S4) or the six uppermost leaves (S6), with no leaf removal as control (S0). In the S2 treatment we found a longer duration of canopy apparent photosynthesis (CAP) and green leaf area index (LAI), higher total dry matter weight at physiological maturity as well as greater harvest index (HI) compared to the control, whereas those in the excessive leaf removal treatments (S4 and S6) declined substantially. In addition, modification of the number of leaves above the ear leaf led to different patterns of allocation of 13C-photosynthates. Excising two leaves promoted the distribution of 13C-photosynthates to grains, while that allocation decreased in the S4 and S6 treatments, which can be interpreted as a result of increased retention of 13C-photosynthates in the stem and ear bracts. Plants in S2 treatment displayed a yield advantage under high plant density due to higher kernel weight and more harvested ears. Relative to control, plants in the S2 treatment had 15% and 12% higher grain yields in 2012 and 2013, respectively. However, the removal of four or six leaves at the very early grain filling period, when kernel sink capacity is being established, caused a marked reduction in yields due to decreased both kernel number per plant and kernel weight, despite a relatively higher biomass availability per kernel. In conclusion, excising two leaves (the uppermost and next leaves) of maize crops cultivated at high plant density delayed leaf senescence, enhanced canopy photosynthesis and dry matter accumulation, leading to a higher post-silking source–sink ratio with its positive impact on kernel weight and higher grain yield.

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