
The article deals with the results of production comparative experiments of fungicides applied in the flowering phase of winter wheat in the Stavropol region in the zone of unstable humidification. It was found that the maximum biological efficiency against fungal diseases within 24 days fungicides containing active substances prochloraz + tebuconazole and diphenoconazole + tebuconazole possess. The highest yield was obtained in the variant where we applied fungicide with active substances prochloraz + tebuconazole with a rate of consumption of 1.2 liters / ha 69.2 kg / ha this is 2.7-7.7 kg / ha more than in other variants. It was found that the mass of a thousand grains is directly correlated with yield, in the variant with the use of fungicide with active substances prochloraz + tebuconazole the mass of a thousand grains was the maximum 45.4 grams. Phytoexpertise of seeds showed that the lowest content of fusarium grains was in the variant with the use of fungicide with active substances prochloraz + tebuconazole. Not high content of fusarium grains 1.7-2.0 % was in the variants where we treated with fungicides containing active substances diphenoconazole + tebuconazole and spiroxamine + prothioconazole.

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