
Research on detection and screening of metal in the water using Atmega 8535 Microcontroller focused on designing a device to detect metal levels in the water and it could conduct metal screening in the water. There were 3 samples such as well water, gallon water, drinking water, and RO water as a neutralizer. It was obtained fluctuating or unstable result. It was because several factors like lack of sensor probe number used, sensor probe materials which were too reactive to the water, and unstable change of output value because of previous value saving. Because of these problems, this study was conducted an optimization of metal content measurements in water with TDS sensor with Arduino Uno base. The optimization was done by using the Kalman Filter method. There were refill water samples, tap water /drinking water, and well water which were tested 30 times each. The error percentage results without the method were 29.74%, 9.53%, 9.02%, while the results error percentage used the Kalman Filter method were 29.34%, 9.39%, 8.94%. In this test, the Kalman Filter method could reduce the error percentage in a row by 0.4%, 0.14% and 0.08%. In the test comparing eight samples with the TDS meter, the researcher got the average error percentage for testing without the method of 7.881%, and the average error percentage for testing with the Kalman Filter method of 6.705%. In this case, the Kalman Filter method can reduce the error percentage by 1.176%. From these data, it could be concluded that the Kalman Filter method could reduce the error percentage so that the reading of the measurement results would be more stable.


  • Research on detection and screening of metal in the water using Atmega 8535 Microcontroller focused on designing a device to detect metal levels in the water

  • It was because several factors like lack

  • sensor probe materials which were too reactive to the water

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Sebagian besar masyarakat mengonsumsi air yang berasal dari sumur, air PDAM maupun air galon. Dalam penelitian [1] merancang alat pendeteksi kadar logam yang dikandung dalam air dalam bentuk ppm (part per million). Dari hasil penelitian pada alat deteksi kadar logam tersebut didapatkan data yang berubah-ubah atau. Kalman Filter merupakan salah satu metode memprediksi data yang paling baik. Kalman Filter adalah algoritma atau metode atau cara dalam bentuk persamaan matematis untuk mengestimasi suatu keadaan dari waku ke waktu dari sebuah proses tertentu yang bertujuan untuk meminimalisir nilai rata-rata error. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan rancang bangun alat ukur kadar logam yang dioptimalkan dalam air menggunakan sensor TDS berbasis mikrokontroller. Dan dalam penelitian ini juga akan mengoptimalkan hasil ukur dengan sensor TDS kadar logam dalam air menggunakan metode kalman filter. Dari penelitian ini diharapkan mampu mengatasi masalah alat ukur kadar logam yang tidak optimal

Nestle Pure
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