
Background: Adsorption and subsequent release of pre-emergence herbicide into the soil solution decides the herbicide availability to kill the weeds. Herbicides applied on clay or organic rich soil type, absorb more results in lowering its availability in soil solution become sub lethal to kill the weeds, whereas sandy soil adsorb less and desorb more, sometime it increases the herbicide concentration to toxic level to crop. Effective weed control could be achieved by studying the variability of soil and deciding the dose based on the sorption and desorption properties of the soil. Methods: With this information on the background a laboratory experiment was conducted at the Department of Agronomy, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Madurai, India during 2021 to study the optimum level of oxyflourfen concentration in soil solution required to kill the weeds effectively. The study on sorption and desorption was carried out with pre-emergence herbicide oxyflourfen with five different concentrations in five different soil types. Result: The highest sorption of 98.53 per cent was observed with clayey soils followed by sandy clay loam soils with high organic matter content (96.97 per cent). The lowest sorption (77.96 per cent) was recorded with sandy loam soils. The highest desorption of 57.44 per cent was recorded with sandy loam soil and the lowest desorption percentage (13.18 per cent) was obtained with sandy clay loam soil with higher organic matter. Based on the analytical results of sorption and desorption, oxyflourfen dose was optimized as 0.53 kg ha-1 for sandy clay loam soils with high organic matter, 0.34 kg ha-1 for clay soil, 0.29 kg ha-1 for sandy clay, 0.21 kg ha-1 for sandy clay loam soil and 0.12 kg ha-1 for sandy loam soils. In conclusion, the clay soil required more quantity of oxyflourfen compared to other types of soil for effective management of weeds under irrigated condition.

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