
Cyanobacterial phycocyanin pigment is widely utilized for its properties in various industries, including food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Despite its potential, challenges exist, such as extraction methods impacting yield, stability, and purity. This study investigates the impact of the number of freeze-thaw (FT) cycles on the extraction of phycocyanin from the wet biomass of four cyanobacteria species (Arthrospira platensis, Chlorogloeopsis fritschii, Phormidium sp., and Synechocystis sp.), along with the impact of five extraction solutions (Tris-HCl buffer, phosphate buffer, CaCl2, deionized water, and tap water) at various pH values. Synechocystis sp. exhibited the highest phycocyanin content among the studied species. For A. platensis, Tris-HCl buffer yielded maximum phycocyanin concentration from the first FT cycle, while phosphate buffer provided satisfactory results from the second cycle. Similarly, Tris-HCl buffer showed promising results for C. fritschii (68.5% of the maximum from the first cycle), with the highest concentration (~12% w/w) achieved during the seventh cycle, using phosphate buffer. Phormidium sp. yielded the maximum pigment concentration from the first cycle using tap water. Among species-specific optimal extraction solutions, Tris-HCl buffer demonstrated sufficient extraction efficacy for all species, from the first cycle. This study represents an initial step toward establishing a universal extraction method for phycocyanin from diverse cyanobacteria species.

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