
Pollution introduces harmful substances into the natural environment, resulting in environmental alterations. Industries are a major source of air pollution because of many power plants, chamber processes, cleaning operations, and material burning processes. Volatile organic compounds and other contaminants are discharged into the atmosphere. Sensor fusion technology-based air pollution has been proposed in this study to meet the national air quality criteria, and several nations have implemented emission monitoring systems. It is common knowledge that PM2.5 sensors can be found in air purifiers, in the immediate surroundings, and in everyday lives. PM2.5 particles can be more accurately detected by increasing the sensitivity to smaller particles and optimizing the flow of particles into the detecting region. The sensors’ responsiveness and sensitivity are excellent based on the testing results. A low-cost monitoring system can benefit from this technology since it may be used to give data on the levels of nitrogen, particulate matter, and inorganic nitrates.

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