
Most of collected hematopoietic stem cell (HSCs) products need processing in order to isolate stem cells, squeeze out of plasma and erythrocytes. There are two main aims for bone marrow (BM) enrichment: reduction of immunogenicity of AB0 incompatible transplants and/or preventing toxicity of hemolysis during cryopreservation. In our center we have implemented two methods for BM enrichment: manual technic using 10 % HAES (hydroxyethyl starch) and automatic cell separator. In order to optimize the process, we examined retrospectively the parameters which could have a great impact on final efficiency of engraftment, such as reduction of hematocrit, CD34 + , WBC recovery and cell viability. This study was a retrospective analysis of 46 pediatric patients (pts) who underwent autologous or allogeneic HSCT. There were performed 27 procedures using cell separator and 19 with HAES technique. This study showed that cell separator processing is significantly less damaging for stem cells than widely longer, manual HAES technique. Comparing RBC depletion and WBC recovery both used techniques are same efficient and good enough but we found out a significant difference in the efficiency of CD34 + recovery which was much higher in a technique of cell separator. We examined also the effect of addition of packed red blood cells (PRBCs) to the BM on purifying and efficiency of HSCs isolation. Doing so it decreased only the WBC recovery during sell separator processing. To sum up after series of analyzes we found out that cell separator is more convenient than HAES technique in most of considered aspects. Furthermore, cell separator use is cheaper and needs less time for processing.

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