
Introduction: Cervical cancer is now still being first ranked and highest cause of death among cancers in women in Indonesia with the highest incidence at 27 percent. The incidence of productive age's women who infected cervical cancer increase by 60 percent. Treatment of cervical cancer at the early stage is surgery, whereas in moderate or advanced stages is chemotherapy, radiotherapy or chemoradiation. Chemotherapy has some side effects such as nausea, vomits, stomati tis, hair loss, physical weakness and anemia (Dunleavey, 2009). Overall patients complaint about side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea, sometimes vomits, fatigue and lethargy. National Comprehensive Cancer Network NCCN (2009) stated that approximately 70% -100% of cancer patients has some fatigue experience. Fatigue complaints are difficult to explain and many patients describe it in some variety ways such as complaining tired , weak, exhausted and lethargic, feel heavy and sluggish. Method : Increasing case amount wi ll nlso incrense the cervical cancer patients who will get chemotherapy. Various side effects occur as a resu lt of chemotherapy related to the mechanism of chemotherapy that affects the hematologic toxicity (Langhol11e, Fulton, & Otto, 2007). Fatigue and lethargy can make cervical ca ncer patients have difficulty in adaptation causing a decrease patient's condilions posl-chemotherapy thai will affect Ihe quality of life of these p~tients. Under these conditions the coping mechanisms of a cervical cancer patient must be adaplive, so that someone who is suffering from cervical cancer can take chemotherapy program that has been set up, so the obedience to a program of chemotherapy as a trcatment of cervical cancer can be successful which is expected to reduce mortality and morbidity in cervical cancer patients in p?rlicular stages. Result: It can be anticipated by increasing the resilience of cervical cancer patients post radical hysterectomy bilateral salpingo oophorectomy. Resilience in cervical cancer patients who are receiving chemotherapy is very necessary, so that the person who undergoing chemotherapy can adapt to the effects of chemotherapy that is being undertaken and can do the post-chemotherapy treatment by their self. Resilience according to Lazarus (1993, in Tugade and Fred ricson. 2004) is defined as an effective coping and positive adaptation to adversity and pressure. According to Richardson (2002), resi lience is the process of coping with Slressors, diffic ulties, changes, and challenges that are affected by a protective factor. Discussion: Effective coping mechanisms is important for cervical cancer patients when they had chemotherapy so that the treatment become optimal. Effective coping for increase the resilience of cervical cancer patients is necessary so that patients who had chemotherapy can get physical health , psychological health, freedom of activity, social relations and environment. There are several factors that influence a person's coping mechanisms and resilience such as personalities, experiences, knowledge, beliefs, values, attitudes, social Support. From those factors, the nurse who do the care needs to know the most dominant factor affecting the resilience of cervical cancer patients in order to contribute optimally to increase the resilience of cervical cancer patients who is receiving chemotherapy.

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