
Neurodevelopmental impairment is a common and important long-term morbidity among infants with congenital heart disease (CHD). More than half of those with complex CHD will demonstrate some form of neurodevelopmental, neurocognitive, and/or psychosocial dysfunction requiring specialized care and impacting long-term quality of life. Preventing brain injury and treating long-term neurologic sequelae in this high-risk clinical population is imperative for improving neurodevelopmental and psychosocial outcomes. Thus, cardiac neurodevelopmental care is now at the forefront of clinical and research efforts. Initial research primarily focused on neurocritical care and operative strategies to mitigate brain injury. As the field has evolved, investigations have shifted to understanding the prenatal, genetic, and environmental contributions to impaired neurodevelopment. This article summarizes the recent literature detailing the brain abnormalities affecting neurodevelopment in children with CHD, the impact of genetics on neurodevelopmental outcomes, and the best practices for neonatal neurocritical care, focusing on developmental care and parental support as new areas of importance. A framework is also provided for the infrastructure and resources needed to support CHD families across the continuum of care settings.

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