
In recent years, there has been a shift towards utilizing wireless sensor networks (WSN) for multimedia applications, even though these networks were originally designed for transmitting small data volumes. In order to satisfy the increasing need for improved throughput and real-time performance when handling multimedia content, it becomes essential to streamline and enhance the routing protocols. In this document, we introduce a routing algorithm called Honey Badger optimization Algorithm (HBOA). This algorithm is designed to minimize end-to-end packet delay and reduce packet loss in wireless sensor networks (WSN). Instead of selecting shortest path to the destination HBOA selects optimised high throughput path to transport multimedia packets ovet the nertwork. Furthermore, it incorporates a network void-bypass mechanism to enhance network reliability when it encounters gaps in the network. Energy management is integrated to enhance the longevity of sensor nodes by adjusting the radio transmission coverage to a distance that sensor nodes can efficiently reach. The simulation results when compared with existing routing protocols demonstrate that HBOA achieves a 8% reduction in end-to-end delay and a 18% decrease in packet loss ratio while effectively managing energy consumption when compared to alternative algorithms. Load balancing occurs as a result of energy management, which makes the remaining energy of sensor nodes uniformly dispersed throughout the entire network. Through Simulation, the performance of HBOA is also compared to that of AGEM, TPGF, GPSR, and AODV.the esults suggests the HBOA performance better under conditions that are similat to these, such as low packet end-to-end- delay, low packet loss, and load balancing of routing channels.

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