
Collaborative edge-cloud features improve job scheduling. Cloud job scheduling is crucial. Pending delay completion. A cloud-edge mixed system replaced centralized cloud computing. Combining resource levels reduces terminal user service call latency. Decentralization, regionalization, and node dispersal autonomy increase ambiguity, unreliability, and instability. This paper will plan cloud-migrating tasks on edge devices or the cloud to achieve a global optimum. The objective of this research is to enhance the efficiency of job scheduling in cloud-fog edge environments through the integration of the Catastrophic Genetic Algorithm (CGA), a genetic algorithm inspired by natural evolution. Additionally, Berger's theory will be employed to develop a trust-enabled interaction framework based on blockchain technology. The CGA fitness function incorporates load balancing and reasonability in the coordination of services and scheduling of tasks, with the goal of maximizing performance. This article presents proposed improvements to the CGA, which involve the incorporation of mutation and crossover operators, roulette selection, and cataclysm. These changes aim to expand the search area and potentially discover schedules that are more optimal. The approach also effectively deals with the problem of premature convergence, guaranteeing ample time for the algorithm to comprehensively explore the solution space prior to reaching a final solution. The experimental findings indicate that the strategy put forward in this study yields a substantial reduction in task completion time, surpassing 97%. Furthermore, it effectively addresses the best local problem, hence showcasing competing options.

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