
This paper investigates the ventilation and heat dissipation performance of a 110 kV indoor substation under natural ventilation conditions using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The objectives are to evaluate the influences of air inlet design parameters including location and size, and transformer load, on the airflow distribution, temperature field, and cooling efficiency. The study finds that staggered opposite inlets optimize cooling uniformity without airflow attenuation. Compared to a single inlet, the maximum transformer temperature is reduced by 1.3 °C and energy utilization increases by 9.1 % with staggered inlets. Increasing the inlet length ratio initially improves cooling until an optimal point (The length ratio is 1.10), while reducing the inlet height ratio decreases airflow and efficiency. With load increasing, the intake airflow rises but at a reduced rate, and the temperature difference can exceed 15 °C under high loads. In summary, optimizing inlet design enhances natural ventilation performance in indoor substations, but limitations exist at high loads, indicating supplemental mechanical ventilation may be required.

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