
This paper presents the robust use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques as complement to wind tunnel testing for the performance assessment of rain water and wiper wash behavior on windscreen surfaces. The objective of this paper is to predict windscreen wiper design performance and its effectiveness with the help of CFD. Clear visibility to the occupants is the key for stress free and safer driving experience, therefore it is important to study the windscreen wiper system performance under different work load conditions. A multi-phase CFD code is used to simulate rain drops and its impingent on the vehicle is modeled with the help of thin liquid film. The wiper blade motion is defined with inputs from multi body dynamics (MBD) considering the driver and passenger side wiper blade speed and extent. Time-dependent results for the wiper blade location, water fluid film spread, and its height on the windscreen, A-pillar, leaf-screen rain gutters were obtained. The CFD results then equated with the physical test data. The calculated water film pattern found to be associated with the observed patterns of the waterways on the test vehicle. Multiple design studies were performed on the CFD model which are also reliable with similar test configurations. From the results, it is concluded that numerical simulation of water behavior on vehicle surfaces is possible, and CFD method is effective tool to assist engineers in envisaging, analyzing, and designing water management systems. A Computational Fluid Dynamics code had been introduced in order to simulate the cleaning performance of the automobile wash. Multi-phase thin film with rigid body motion models were used for this purpose. The objectives of the project were to quantify the water flow, enhance visualization, and develop a CAE methodology which will assist in the product development process.

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