
The new formalism of the relativistic gauge-invariant perturbation theory (RMBPT-ODF) with the optimized Dirac-Fock approximation and a generalized energy approach is applied to the study of energy, radiation, and spectroscopic characteristics of a group of heavy atomic systems, in particular, energy levels and transition probabilities and oscillator strengths of the transitions 4f7(8S)6s2 8S7/2 4f7(8S)6s6p 8P5/2,7.2,9.2, 4f7(8S)6s7p 8P5/2,7\2, 4f7(8S)6s8p 8P9/2,7\2 in spectrum of the europium atom Eu I. It is shown that the required formalism, in comparison with the standard non-optimized relativistic Hartree-Fock and Dirac-Fock methods, allows obtaining more accurate data both on energies and amplitudes and probabilities of radiative transitions, which is due to the use of the optimized zero ODF approximation, a fairly complete and effective account of complex many-body exchange-correlation effects. The contribution due to the polarization of the core reaches 30% of the value of the oscillator strength; the value of the calibration-invariant contribution to the radiation width is fractions of a percent, in contrast to all existing methods of modern atomic spectroscopy, for which the contribution reaches 5-50%.

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