
<p><em>Fish robot precision depends on a variety of factors including the precision of motion sensors, mobility of links, elasticity of fish robot actuators system, and the precision of controllers. Among these factors, precision and efficiency of controllers play a key role in fish robot precision. In the present paper, a robot fish has been designed with dynamics and swimming mechanism of a real fish. According to equations of motion, this fish robot is designed with 3 hinged links. Subsequently, its control system was defined based on the same equations. In this paper, an approach is suggested to control fish robot trajectory using optimized PID controller through Bacterial Foraging algorithm, so as to adjust the gains. Then, this controller is compared to the powerful Fuzzy controller and optimized PID controller through PSO algorithm when applying step and sine inputs. The research findings revealed that optimized PID controller through Bacterial Foraging Algorithm had better performance than other approaches in terms of decreasing of the settling time, reduction of the maximum overshoot and desired steady state error in response to step input. Efficiency of the suggested method has been analyzed by MATLAB software.</em></p>

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