
Among the ultrafast MRI techniques, the single-shot fast spin-echo sequence offers a robust alternative to echo planar imaging, essentially because of a much reduced sensitivity to B0 inhomogeneity. This property is particularly appealing in situations in which B0 inhomogeneities can be severe and difficult to correct, such as in cardiac imaging. With single-shot cardiac imaging, however, achieving high resolution over the necessarily large field of views without introducing back-folding artifacts is problematic. One option is to use multishot sequences. However, then issues related to cardiac gating arise. Another solution is to use, optimized presaturation slabs with quadratic phase pulses generated by the Shinnar-LeRoux algorithm. These can be set to reduce the field of view in the phase-encoding direction, resulting in a reduction in the number of phase-encoding steps. For instance, for a 1 x 2-mm spatial resolution, over a rectangular, 250 x 125-mm field of view, and using a half Fourier acquisition, an echo-train length of only 40 is required. With a 4.5-msec echo spacing, the total imaging time is approximately 180 msec. The efficacy of this solution on phantoms and volunteers is demonstrated. Multislice short-axis examinations of the whole heart, realized within a single short breath-hold of approximately 10 seconds, are shown. The possibility of investigating not only cardiac anatomy but also both contractility and myocardial perfusion is discussed.

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