
Detecting of joint sets (clusters) is one of the most important processes in determining properties of fractures. Joints clustering and consequently, determination of the mean value representing each cluster is applicable to most rock mass studies. It is clear that the accuracy of the clustering process plays a key role in analyzing stability of infrastructures such as dams and tunnels and so on. Hence, in this paper, by reviewing several methods proposed for clustering fractures and considering their advantages and disadvantages, a three-stage hybrid method is developed which contains Fuzzy c-means, Fuzzy covariance and Fuzzy maximum likelihood estimation that by utilizing the modified orientation matrix had been optimized. This method is optimized by the Differential Evolutionary algorithm using a new and strong cost function which is defined as the computation core. In addition, using three clustering quality comparing criteria, the new developed method of differential evolutionary optimized of fuzzy cmeans - fuzzy covariance - fuzzy maximum likelihood estimation clustering method (DEF3) is compared with other base and common methods using field data. After doing the calculations, the developed method by giving the best values for all the criteria provided the best results and good stability in meeting different criteria. The DEF3 method was validated using actual field data which mapped in Rudbar Lorestan dam site. The results revealed that DEF3 acquired the best rank among the other method by getting the value of 0.5721 of Davis-Bouldin criterion, 1403.1 of Calinski-Harabasz criterion, and 0.83482 of Silihotte as comparing criteria of clustering methods.

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