
Architecture, often regarded as a three-dimensional art form, relies on a multitude of abstractions during the design process. In this context, architectural elements are effectively represented through vector-based data processing techniques, offering a canvas for creative exploration. To further our understanding of spatial configurations and generate multiple design insights, mathematical structures known as graphs come into play. Graph theory, a fundamental component of this process, it is a mathematical field that studies relationships and connections between objects using vertices and edges, finding applications in computer science, network analysis, and more finds application in architectural design. This study delves into the application of graph theory in the analytical exploration of urban networks, with a focus on tourism parameters in the picturesque town of Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu, India. Traditionally, urban network analysis seeks to determine the shortest distance between origin and destination, a metric rooted in accessibility. However, in leisure destinations, a novel approach involving an optimized distance-based algorithm is introduced. This innovative methodology aims to facilitate efficient access to all tourist destinations within the spatial extent while minimizing discrete physical distances. To illustrate this concept, we take the iconic French Quarters in the White Town of Pondicherry as a case study. By applying the optimized distance-based algorithm, we endeavor to uncover the most efficient route for tourists to navigate and leisurely explore the area. The outcome of this analysis reveals a path graph structure, which, when compared to a circular graph structure, demonstrates superior efficiency in guiding tourists through the space. The implications of this tourist route extend beyond the realm of tourism itself. It has the potential to enhance the organization of tourist activities, allowing stakeholders to manage and regulate the flow of visitors. Additionally, it presents an opportunity to promote and develop the region’s often-underestimated tourist destinations, which can, in turn, have a positive impact on the local economy. In summary, the integration of graph theory into architectural and urban design methodologies enriches the approach to tourism and offers a holistic perspective on spatial optimization.

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