
Multiple trait integration (MTI) is a multi-step process of converting an elite variety/hybrid for value-added traits (e.g. transgenic events) through backcross breeding. From a breeding standpoint, MTI involves four steps: single event introgression, event pyramiding, trait fixation, and version testing. This study explores the feasibility of marker-aided backcross conversion of a target maize hybrid for 15 transgenic events in the light of the overall goal of MTI of recovering equivalent performance in the finished hybrid conversion along with reliable expression of the value-added traits. Using the results to optimize single event introgression (Peng et al. Optimized breeding strategies for multiple trait integration: I. Minimizing linkage drag in single event introgression. Mol Breed, 2013) which produced single event conversions of recurrent parents (RPs) with ≤8 cM of residual non-recurrent parent (NRP) germplasm with ~1 cM of NRP germplasm in the 20 cM regions flanking the event, this study focused on optimizing process efficiency in the second and third steps in MTI: event pyramiding and trait fixation. Using computer simulation and probability theory, we aimed to (1) fit an optimal breeding strategy for pyramiding of eight events into the female RP and seven in the male RP, and (2) identify optimal breeding strategies for trait fixation to create a ‘finished’ conversion of each RP homozygous for all events. In addition, next-generation seed needs were taken into account for a practical approach to process efficiency. Building on work by Ishii and Yonezawa (Optimization of the marker-based procedures for pyramiding genes from multiple donor lines: I. Schedule of crossing between the donor lines. Crop Sci 47:537–546, 2007a), a symmetric crossing schedule for event pyramiding was devised for stacking eight (seven) events in a given RP. Options for trait fixation breeding strategies considered selfing and doubled haploid approaches to achieve homozygosity as well as seed chipping and tissue sampling approaches to facilitate genotyping. With selfing approaches, two generations of selfing rather than one for trait fixation (i.e. ‘F2 enrichment’ as per Bonnett et al. in Strategies for efficient implementation of molecular markers in wheat breeding. Mol Breed 15:75–85, 2005) were utilized to eliminate bottlenecking due to extremely low frequencies of desired genotypes in the population. The efficiency indicators such as total number of plants grown across generations, total number of marker data points, total number of generations, number of seeds sampled by seed chipping, number of plants requiring tissue sampling, and number of pollinations (i.e. selfing and crossing) were considered in comparisons of breeding strategies. A breeding strategy involving seed chipping and a two-generation selfing approach (SC + SELF) was determined to be the most efficient breeding strategy in terms of time to market and resource requirements. Doubled haploidy may have limited utility in trait fixation for MTI under the defined breeding scenario. This outcome paves the way for optimizing the last step in the MTI process, version testing, which involves hybridization of female and male RP conversions to create versions of the converted hybrid for performance evaluation and possible commercial release.


  • Biotechnology has become an important component in the development of new and improved cultivars (Moose and Mumm 2008)

  • Breeding strategy options were outlined based on a 99 % probability of achieving breeding objectives in each generation and recovering one or more families of the stacked recurrent parents (RPs) conversion homozygous for all events at the close of trait fixation

  • Three generations are required for event pyramiding the eight events and an additional 1.5 generations were needed to implement seed chipping (SC) ? SELF for trait fixation

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Biotechnology has become an important component in the development of new and improved cultivars (Moose and Mumm 2008). Minimization of NRP germplasm in close proximity to the chromosomal location of the event insertion (i.e. linkage drag) is critical, especially given use of a non-elite transformation line, e.g. Hi-II (Armstrong et al 1991); somaclonal variation resulting from tissue culture during the transformation process; and use of a donor parent from the opposite heterotic group (e.g. donor from the female heterotic group to convert a line from the male heterotic group) The latter is pertinent to the development of new stacked cultivars since every event originates from a single T0 plant (generation arising directly from the transformation/regeneration process). Molecular markers are utilized in MTI for efficiency, speed, and improved probability of recovering equivalent performance in the converted hybrid relative to the unconverted target hybrid

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