
Multimode interference (MMI) waveguides can be used for multiplexing and de-multiplexing optical signals. High fidelity, wavelength dependent multi-spot patterns from MMI waveguides are useful for sensitive and simultaneous identification of multiple targets in multiplexed fluorescence optofluidic biosensors. Through experiments and simulation, this paper explores design parameters for an MMI rib anti-resonant reflecting optical waveguide (ARROW) in order to produce high fidelity spot patterns at the liquid core biomarker excitation region. Width and etch depth of the single excitation rib waveguide used to excite the MMI waveguide are especially critical because they determine the size of the input optical mode which is imaged at the MMI waveguide's output. To increase optical throughput into the MMI waveguide when light is coupled in from an optical fiber, tapers in the waveguide width can be used for better mode matching.

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