
Managing requirements is an essential trait in engineering development process as requirements change and emerge throughout the development process. In the following research work the primary prominence is to eke out requirements that are changing frequently in geographically dispersed setup. To efficiently and effectively cope up with the changing requirements are the key to fulfill customers’ requirements in geographically dispersed environment (GDE) and thus, appropriate procedural modeling is presented in this work to covenant with changing requirements to cut overall cost of the project and increase profitability by gratify the customers and the stakeholders. In the following research we have proposed an approach to tackle changing requirements in software development that are geographically dispersed and we have validated the presented procedural model through case scenario. Comprehensive systematic literature review has been performed in this section (II) to propose the efficient methodology in GDE, traits and risk and further to effectively eke out the evolving project’s requirements in geographically dispersed environment. Changing requirements in geologically dispersed environment can effectively be managed if the proposed MCR model followed and it will mitigate the risk and challenges which we have to face in global software development and as well as it will cut down the overall project’s cost and profitability will expectedly increase.

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