
An optimization theory is developed which predicts the variation of thermodynamic properties, duct shape, and electrical loading along an MHD generator for minimum duct length, duct surface area, or duct volume. The model is based on the one-dimensional flow equations including heat transfer and friction, and the analysis is developed for a fluid with arbitrary dependence of density, enthalpy, electrical conductivity, and mobility on temperature and pressure. Four types of electrical loading of the generator are considered: the segmented-electrode Faraday generators; and the cross-connected generator, first with constant cross-connection angle and multiple load connections; then with a single load; and finally with constant cross-connection angle and with single load. This theory is then applied to the design of an open-cycle MHD generator for a 2000-MW power plant. Numerical results for these four different types of generator are calculated with a computer program and compared, with particular emphasis on the loading parameter variation. It is concluded that the additional constraints of constant cross-connection angle and single load do not significantly affect the overall generator performance, although they do modify the parameter variation along the duct.

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