
Abstract Studying the influencing factors of college students’ innovation and entrepreneurship ability is crucial to optimizing the innovation and entrepreneurship of college students in the context of high-quality development. Based on this, this paper constructs an SEM structural equation model and improves the convergence of the PLS algorithm using the least squares solution and optimal iteration initial value for the PLS algorithm in the SEM model. Then, the correlation analysis is done between six influencing factors, such as national policy, birthplace, and entrepreneurial activities, and college students’ innovation and entrepreneurship ability, and finally, the hypothesis of the influence of innovation and entrepreneurship ability is verified by the SEM model test. The main results are as follows: this paper constructed a model of influence factors on college students’ innovation and entrepreneurship ability, with five levels and 18 factors, and ranked their importance. The SEM model’s fit coefficient of 0.927>0.9 is a sign of a high degree of fit in the structural equation model. The regression coefficients of the five dimensions calculated according to the SEM model are 0.781, 0.939, 0.243, 0.935, and 0.839. All five dimensions have a significant positive impact on innovation and entrepreneurship. This paper finds that there is a positive correlation between college students’ innovation and entrepreneurship ability and national innovation and entrepreneurship policy, place of origin, entrepreneurial activities, education, and internship experience, and constructs the optimization path of college students’ innovation and entrepreneurship ability.

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