
Efficient sign layouts play a crucial role in guiding driving in underground construction caverns and enhancing transportation safety. Previous studies have primarily focused on evaluating drivers’ gaze behavior in tunnels to optimize individual traffic sign layouts. However, the lack of a theoretical framework for visual perception of visual capture and information conveyed by sign groups hinders the measurement of drivers’ comprehensive visual perception and the layout optimization of sign groups. To address this gap, this study introduces a calculation method for sign group information volume and a visual cognition model, establishing a comprehensive evaluation approach for sign group visual cognition. Eye movement data, collected using eye-tracking technology, were utilized to evaluate the comprehensive visual perception and optimize the layout of sign groups. The findings indicate that a low information volume fails to enhance recognition ability and alleviate the psychological burden. Conversely, excessive information may result in overlooking signs positioned on the left and top. Furthermore, drivers are unable to improve cognitive efficiency and driving safety even with self-regulation when faced with an information volume exceeding 120 bits within a 100 m span. Overall, this study demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method in promoting the long-term safety effect of temporary signage layouts in underground construction areas.

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