
KS Tubun Street is a street in Bogor, which has a fairly high vehicle volume and become one of a high-traffic jam area. This is caused by KS Tubun Street is the main road for road users from Jakarta and Bogor. Traffic jam problem that occurs due to the confluence interchange of traffic flow and traffic lights settings that are not proportional to the volume of vehicles across the road. Optimization of traffic flow at KS Tubun Street performed by the stages of forming a model of traffic flow, determining the density and velocity of the vehicle is based on the Greenberg model, and determining the length of the traffic lights to avoid a buildup of vehicles. The result is a traffic flow model with distance and time parameters. The density of vehicles that occurs on the streets of KS. Tubun street based on the Greenberg model between 180 to 240 unit car of passanger (ucp) with the average velocity of vehicles 15 to 19.5 km per hour. The density of vehicles on KS. Tubun street can be break down by increasing time. Traffic light cycle time can be reduced for 8 seconds with the red light glowing time is 80 seconds and the green light glowing time is 62 seconds.

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