
Objective. To study the aggregation activity of platelets in patients with renal hypertension.
 Materials and methods. The research work was carried out on the basis of the nephrological department of the State Institution NMC RT “Shifobakhsh”. The study included 46 patients aged 25 to 60 years with chronic pyelo- and glomerulonephritis. The patients were divided into two equal groups: first, the control group received standard therapy in accordance with the clinical protocol of the Tajik Association of Nephrologists; second, the main group, along with complex pathogenetic therapy in order to stabilize the hemostasis system and improve endothelial dysfunction, used the drugs Tivortin (intravenously drip and then long-term per os Tivortin aspartate) and Rheosorbilact intravenously drip. In addition to the generally accepted studies of patients with kidney pathology, emphasis was placed on the criteria for platelet quality (number, mean platelet volume, platelet distribution index, thrombocyte and large erythrocyte ratio) and studies of the hemostasis system (fibrinogen, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, prothrombin relation).
 Results. There were found the hemostasis in microvessels, increases of the blood viscosity, the activation of systemic thrombus formation, and the progression of endothelial dysfunction in patients with renal hypertension. The results of observation of the dynamics of platelet aggregation activity under the influence of the combination of the studied drugs in this category of patients prove an effective decrease in its level. It is also necessary to emphasize the antiplatelet effect of this combination in relation to the prevention of microthrombosis and the pronounced endothelioprotective effect in patients with renal pathology.
 Conclusions. The complex therapy of patients with renal hypertension with Tivortin and Rheosorbilact is an effective way to stabilize hemovascular hemostasis. The effects of this therapy contributed to the improvement of the clinical condition of the patients, and during repeated examinations, there was a stable preservation of the decrease in the level of platelet aggregation activity.


  • Комплексная терапия больных ренальной гипертензией препаратами Тивортин и Реосорбилакт является эффективным способом стабилизации гемоваскулярного гемостаза

  • The patients were divided into two equal groups: first, the control group received standard therapy in accordance with the clinical protocol of the Tajik Association of Nephrologists; second, the main group, along with complex pathogenetic therapy in order to stabilize the hemostasis system and improve endothelial dysfunction, used the drugs Tivortin and Rheosorbilact intravenously drip

  • There were found the hemostasis in microvessels, increases of the blood viscosity, the activation of systemic thrombus formation, and the progression of endothelial dysfunction in patients with renal hypertension

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Оптимизация терапии больных ренальной гипертензией путем стабилизации гемоваскулярного гемостаза. Изучить агрегационную активность тромбоцитов у больных почечной гипертензией. У больных ренальной гипертензией наблюдается гемостаз в микрососудах, увеличивается вязкость крови, активизируется системное тромбообразование и прогрессирует эндотелиальная дисфункция. Результаты наблюдения динамики агрегационной активности тромбоцитов под действием комбинации исследуемых препаратов у данной категории больных свидетельствуют об эффективном ее снижении. Также необходимо обратить внимание на антиагрегантный эффект комбинации в отношении профилактики микротромбообразования и на выраженное эндотелиопротекторное действие у больных почечной патологией. Комплексная терапия больных ренальной гипертензией препаратами Тивортин и Реосорбилакт является эффективным способом стабилизации гемоваскулярного гемостаза. Эффекты данной терапии способствовали улучшению клинического состояния пациентов, и при повторных обследованиях отмечалось стабильное сохранение снижения уровня агрегационной активности тромбоцитов. Abuali Ibn Sino Tashkent State Medical University of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Tajikistan

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