
This paper investigates the efficiency of different models in shaping the transfer function of port container terminals by coordinating the handling equipment’s activity. Differences in the productivity of the handling equipment and the limited capacity of the storage area at berth generate deadlock situation that could be handle through three correlation procedures: (i) adjusting the productivity to the minimum when the storage area is fully used; (ii) on/off control of the most efficient equipment, and (iii) limitation of the productivity of the most performing equipment. These techniques and the variations in input elements (ships arrival rate, containers number to unload/load, berth storage area) are taken into account for choosing the best strategy of port activity. A simulation model, developed with ARENA software, is created to analyse the port activity. Beyond the analytical models that deal with one ship handling process, the simulation model could take into consideration the process on a period of time, allowing studying the impact of stochastic elements on the process. The model contains the following modules: the vessels arrival, waiting in harbour, anchorage, containers unloading/loading on the vessels, temporary storage at berth, container transfer to inland storage area, and vessel departure. Computer simulations allow analysing random variable of the vessels time spent in port. The mean value should be kept at minimum and thus the best handling strategy could be identified. In addition, the sensitivity of the results according to the variation of the input elements is obtained.

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