
Naphtha fractions of the West Siberian gas condensate were evaluated as feedstock for thermal pyrolysis performed in the temperature interval 750–900°C at the conventional contact time of 0.2–0.4 s and steam-to-feed weight ratio of (0.5; 0.8): 1.0. Statistical models of the process, based on the experimental dataset obtained, were constructed and used for multicriteria optimization with respect to the key products: ethylene, propylene, divinyl, pyrogas, and coke. The optimum process parameters for pyrolysis of light and heavy naphtha of the gas condensate to reach the maximal yield of target products (ethylene, propylene, divinyl) under the conditions of compromise solutions were found. The influence of the group and individual hydrocarbon composition of the naphtha fractions of the gas condensate on the yield and distribution of the major products was demonstrated.

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