
The aim of this investigation is the development of the optimal laboratory procedure for the synthesis of calcium and sodium citrate and the application of obtained results in a project for a semi-industrial installation for its production. These salts are used as an additive in numerous food and pharmaceutical products. Basically, they have to satisfy quality requirements, which is the reason why the procedure for their synthesis needs to be optimized in aspects of selection of reactants, their molar ratio, necessary laboratory equipment, reactant addition order, working temperature, isolation of final product from the reaction mixture, yield and product quality. A semi-industrial installation for the production of calcium and sodium citrate will be projected on the basis of the results of this investigation. The importance of this investigation is the fact that these salts are not produced in our country and the entire quantity (about 20 t per year) is imported.


  • Reakciona smeša se hladi i kristali kalcijum-citrat tetrahidrata se izdvajaju filtracijom

  • A semi-industrial installation for the production of calcium and sodium citrate will be projected on the basis of the results of this investigation

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Kalcijum- i natrijum-citrat se koriste u prehrambenoj i farmaceutskoj industriji kao regulatori kiselosti, emulgatori, stabilizatori itd. Dobija se reakcijom neutralizacije između limunske kiseline i određene baze: kalcijum-oksida, kalcijum-hidroksida ili kalcijum-karbonata, pri čemu kristališe iz vode kao tetrahidrat [2]: 2(HOOCCH2)2C(OH)COOH + 3Ca(OH)2 → → Ca3(C6H5O7)2·4H2O + 2H2O. Koristi se kao regulator kiselosti u raznim voćnim proizvodima i konditorskoj industriji, alkoholnim pićima, kao sredstvo za dizanje testa, kao antioksidans i konzervans u mesnoj industriji i industriji mleka i mlečnih proizvoda, učvršćivač itd. Natrijum-citrat dihidrat se najviše koristi od svih soli limunske kiseline. Natrijum-citrat dihidrat se koristi kao regulator kiselosti i konzervans u raznim mesnim i mlečnim proizvodima, prerađevinama od voća, alkoholnim i bezalkoholnim pićima i kao antioksidans za proizvode od ribe [8,9,10]. U ovom radu su optimizovani postupci za sintezu kalcijum-citrat tetrahidrata i natrijum-citrat dihidrata u laboratorijskim i poluindustrijskim uslovima

Rastvor limunske kiseline
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