
Purpose. To determine the effectiveness of optimized pregnancy management tactics for hepatitis B. Materials and methods. To determine the risk of obstetric and perinatal risk, it is necessary to determine medical and social indicators, conduct additional examinations to assess the course of hepatitis B, the state of vascular regulation, quality of life, anxiety and depression levels. At an increased risk of complications, depending on the detected changes, organizational and therapeutic measures are recommended: healthy lifestyle recommendations, psychologist consultation and psychocorrection, arginine glutamate, a combination of magnesium with vitamin B6, oral and vaginal probiotics. Results. The verification of the effectiveness of the use of the recommended treatment and prevention complex demonstrated a positive effect on the general condition and well-being of the woman, improvement of microbiocinosis of the vagina and intestines, the state of the hemostasis system and vascular endothelium, improvement of the quality of life of the patients, reduction of the level of anxiety and depression, which collectively made it possible to achieve the set the goal is to reduce the frequency of obstetric and perinatal complications (placental insufficiency, fetal distress and growth retardation, premature birth, blood loss during childbirth, asphyxia and adaptation disorders in the newborn). Conclusion. The obtained results and the absence of side effects allow recommending the proposed treatment-prophylactic complex for wide use in obstetrics and gynecology practice.

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