
Abstract. The materials of the article focus on offering an aggregate approach to personnel management since it is the most important factor in ensuring the success of business structures. The aim of the study is to form a structural model of personnel management based on the application of the three-dimensional approach «employee — enterprise — external conditions», the theory of generations and the vector system of aspects of ethical issues in business. The study revealed a causal relationship between the behavioral characteristics of the generation and the tools of personnel management, in terms of a particular market situation, the stage of the business cycle and the level of perception of the postulates of the enterprise corporate structure. A network model of the ratio of employee and means of production based on the implementation of foreign methods of personnel management was patterned and a vector system of aspects of ethical issues in business was suggested thus ensuring the implementation of the principles of ethical behavior and universal morality. The method of economic experiment (to form a three-dimensional model of personnel management system), the method of scientific abstraction (to determine the main factors of model formation), and the method of dialectics (to determine the vectors of ethical problems in business), the method of comparison (to study the foreign experience in personnel management), the method of analysis and synthesis (to form the foundations of a new paradigm of personnel management based on the theory of generations), graphic method (to create network and vector systems) and statistical method (to identify countries determined by advanced results of progressive human-oriented management techniques) were used in the article. The outcome of the research is the creation of a structural generalized model of personnel management, which will ensure high efficiency of management methods in changing environmental conditions based on a personal approach to the employee as the representative of a certain generation. Further research will be related to the specification of each point of the three-dimensional model in a definite coordinate system, in order to use a certain theory of leadership and the principles of teamwork so to effectively manage the personnel of the enterprise. Keywords: enterprise personnel, generation theory, personnel management tools, corporate culture. JEL Classification M12 Formulas: 0; fig.: 4; tabl.: 3; bibl.: 22.


  • The mechanism of personnel management of the enterprise should be perceived as a multicomponent system of tools, instruments and relationships between employees and means of production, manageable and managing systems at the enterprise, a set of internal rules of the firm and mental and personal characteristics of the employee.Ɍhe purpose of the article The aim of the study is to form a structural model of personnel management based on the application of the three-dimensional approach «employee-enterpriseexternal conditions», the theory of generations and the vector system of aspects of ethical issues in business.Research analysis

  • The issue of personnel management has always been the subject of research which engaged both Ukrainian and foreign scientists belonging to different scientific schools

  • Summarizing our research, it should be noted that today the key issue in personnel management is to take into account the age and behavioral characteristics of several generations of employees since they compile the intellectual potential of the enterprise

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Management tools
Example of the square of vectors of ethical aspects
Peculiarities of personnel management experience
Country United Kingdom
Identifying gaps in the process of selecting ideas for decision making
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