
High-energy accelerator structures should have not only a high shunt impedance, Z, by which the rf power can be used eficiently for particle acceleration, but also a high coupling, k, between the neighboring cells. A study was made of the disk and washer (DAW) accelerating structure. The DAW structure has high coupling (k approximately 50%) as well as a high shunt impedance comparable to that of a side-coupled structure and can be used successfully in high-current accelerators. Two DAW configurations were studied: DAW1, which has a flat washer in the central region, and DAW2, in which the upper part of the washer is curved. The latter design does not decrease the effective shunt impedance of the structure but does permit a smaller cavity diameter (principally for higher ..beta..) than does the straight-washer design. The two structures were optimized by the SUPERFISH computer code.

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