
In 2020, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) has conducted a systematic and comprehensive reorganization for upgrading the discipline layout and funding system. Correspondingly, the application code system of thediscipline of geophysics and space physics (DGSP, application code: D04) has been reviewed and carefully reorganized with forming a new application code system, according to the general regulation and proposal of the Department of Earth Sciences in NSFC. In the new system, the research directions are grouped into three major subjects, i.e., basic research, appliedresearch, as well as the frontier and interdisciplinary research. The basic research includes the general and traditional geodesy, solid geophysics and space physics; the applied research is mainly composed of the multiple directions of applied geophysics; and the planetary physics is highlighted as a frontier and interdisciplinary subject. On the other hand, the experimental techniques and instruments provide technical support for the scientific research of the whole DGSP. According to all these subjects and targets, the new application code system (D04) is subdivided into 14 secondary application codes. D0401 to D0403 cover the scope of geodesy, with three branches of physical geodesy, satellite geodesy and applied geodesy. D0404 to D0407 cover the solid geophysics, with four branches of seismology, geomagnetism and geo-electromagnetics, gravity, as well as physics of the Earth’s interior and geodynamics (including geothermal science). Compared to the old version, the branches of magnetism and electricity studies are integrated into a new code of D0405, which will highlight the origin and evolution of the magnetic field of the Earth and other planets, the early nebulae of the solar system and other planets. Similarly, the new code of D0407 also combines several research branches in the old version, in order to integrate the relevant studies of the Earth’s internal processes and their dynamic mechanism, as well as the geothermal condition and evolution. For the applied research, the new codes cover the three major fields of geophysical application, which are oil and gas (D0408), mineral resources (D0409), and engineering and environment (D0410), highlighting the contributions of geophysical research to the national economy. There is no significant adjustment in space physics, which still contains two secondary application codes (D0411 and D0412), covering all kinds of physical processes in solar terrestrial space and solar system space, as well as the influence of the sun and solar wind, magnetosphere, ionosphere and upper atmosphere on the human society. As a new research branch, planetary physics (D0413) is an independent secondary code, which focuses on the formation and evolution history of planets, including the inner layer structure, material state, composition, planetary space environment, middle and upper atmosphere environment, and surface environment. Finally, the research direction of experimental techniques and instruments (D0414) is still set as an independent secondary code, which focuses on all kinds of physical exploration instruments and experimental equipment, so as to provide technical support for the scientific research and development of DGSP. The new application code system firstly emphasizes the leading role played by the basic research disciplines, such as geophysics and space physics, in the innovation and frontiers of modern science and technology. Secondly, it highlights the applied research disciplines, i.e., applied geophysics, which should meet the general and major national demand, and strongly support the national economic development. Thirdly, it selects planetary physics as a key frontier and interdisciplinary research direction of Earth and Planetary sciences. The new application code system is configured with a clear position and goal for each discipline of DGSP. It covers more research areas and emphasizes both the interdisciplinary fields and the key fields in the future. The new system will contribute to the international competitiveness of geophysics and space physics of China, and further promote the development of planetary physics. The high-quality development of DGSP will serve the top-level strategy of the Department of Earth Sciences in NSFC, i.e., “deep Earth, deep sea, deep space, and Earth system”, and will also provide the key support for the long-term strategic plans for national scientific and technology development of China.

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