
The teaching and learning process is complex and comprehensive. This study discusses the teaching skills of web-based Islamic education teachers/bloggers in improving student intelligence in MAN 1 Bitung which aims to reveal the stages in optimizing web-based/blog-based skills that are effective in improving student intelligence. These skills have online characteristics and include various media components in the form of text, images, sound and video which are input via the web/blog. This research is a type of qualitative research with a case study approach. Based on the results of the study that 1) optimization of teaching skills of Islamic education teachers based on web/blog in improving student intelligence is the existence of web/blog based teaching and learning using the quipper school application, which is a free online application as a meeting place for teachers and students so that the learning process is created. Obstacles faced 1. Lack of teachers in mastery of IT 2. Do not have mobile phones 3. Network problems 4. Limited internet quota 5. Mapel PAI is still manual such as Al-quran hadith and Akidah Akhlak. The solutions implemented were: 1. Preparing IT teachers to provide training every Saturday-Sunday, 2. Providing cellphone loans, 3. Mbps speed being increased, 4. Quota provided. MAN teachers are required to master technology so that they can optimize student intelligence so that they understand more quickly and improve their competence by always updating knowledge so that they are able to face today's students.

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