
One of the determining periods in the life of winter cereal plants is sowing (autumn). Only under the condition of good moisture supply and at optimal air temperature, timely and high-quality seedlings can be obtained, tillering shoots and processes of verbalization and hardening of plants to be formed. Based on the importance of the foregoing, this work presents the results of studies in bright gray-earth soils of the Kashkadarya region of the reaction of winter barley of the Mavlono variety for different periods of sowing and seed sowing rate. It was found that plant survival ranged from 86.0 to 89.9%. No significant differences in wintering of plants between crops of different sowing dates were revealed. Seeding rates did not significantly affect the height of plants, spike length and the number of grains in it, which confirms the high plasticity of winter wheat of the Mavlono variety. Our studies have shown that for winter barley of the Mavlono variety in the conditions of the Kashkadarya region, the sowing season is favorable – from 15 October to 1 November, with an optimum sowing rate of 4 million pcs / ha.

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