
The net savings (cost of fuel saved minus the cost of additional thickness of wall and the singly glazed window of the south wall) by the use of a thicker wall and glazed window on the south side have been evaluated for the cold desert climate in India (typified by Leh in Ladakh); the traditional construction implies mud walls and room temperature maintained at 25°C or 17°C by burning Kerosene oil. The thickness of the south wall and the size of window on the south wall (of a 6 × 4 × 2.7 m3 room) have been optimized for maximum savings, corresponding to room temperatures of 25°C or 17°C and the South wall made of mud or concrete; three outer finishes of the walls viz. bare natural, blackened and unglazed and blackened and glazed have been considered. Optimum insulation on the roof and the other three walls has been assumed.

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