
In their operating system, power transformers can experience two disturbances, namely internal disturbances, and external disturbances. Therefore a reliable protection system is needed to deal with these disturbances. The differential relay is the primary protection for the transformer to detect an internal fault in the protection zone. However, if there is an external disturbance or outside the protection zone of the differential relay, the relay will not work. The differential relay protection zone boundary is limited by 2 CT current transformers, where the working principle compares the difference in the value of the differential current entering the relay. Therefore, it is necessary to set the suitable differential relay so that the protection system can work selectively and have reliability. To determine the differential relay setting, the methods used are conventional calculations and the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. There are two types of differential relays used in the Jember Substation, namely the Toshiba and Micom P642 brands for transformer safety 1, 2, 3, and 4. Based on transformer specification data and CT ratio. In the conventional calculation results, the relay setting produces 0.01A for transformers 1, 2, 3. Still, for transformer 4, it is 0.02A, and for transformers 1, 3 is 0.86A, but transformers 2 and 4 respectively have a value of 0.96A and 1.15A. Then the PSO relay setting algorithm results with the previously described parameters. Transformer 1, 2, 3, and 4 produce 0.8656A. For the value in transformers 1, 2, 3, and 4 itself have a value of 0.01A based on the value of The output is compared with the original setting value of Jember Substation, which is 0.3pu or if it is calculated to equal to 0.866A, the particle swarm optimization algorithm has better accuracy.

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