
A 150MWt pebble bed high temperature reactor, called PeLUIt-150, is proposed as a solution for distributed energy demand including the electricity and various co-generation potentials. In current study an optimization of the design is performed. The optimization includes its optimum power density to have a compact core design including the height-to-diameter (H/d) ratio. As several computer codes is used in this study, PEBBED-THERMIX codes, comparison of results from different code is also discussed. Constrain of the design at current stage are the maximum fuel temperature under depressurized loss of forced cooling (DLOFC) accident which represent the passive performance of the core, and discharge burnup which represent the fuel utilization performance of the core. Current study achieves an optimized design with core diameter and height of 260 cm and 601.11cm, a total active core volume of 31.9 m3. The average power density is 4.7W/c m3 with discharge burnup of 80.82MWd/Kg and the maximum fuel temperature after DLOFC is 1619.9°C.

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